Costs to Consider when Purchasing Rental Investment Property

- Jurnalis

Senin, 15 Juli 2024

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The process of searching for investment rental property can be exciting; however, before you get too excited it is important to run some preliminary numbers to make sure you know exactly what you are facing to ensure a successful investment.

First, you need to carefully examine potential rental income. If the property has already served as a rental property, you need to take the time to find out how much the property has rented for in the past and then do some research to determine whether that amount is on target or not. In some cases, properties may have rented for lower than they should have while in other cases a property may be over-rented.

Look at comparables in the area to make sure you know whether the property in question is on target; otherwise you may find that the amount you think you will be receiving in rental income is unrealistic.

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Mortgage interest is another area that should be considered carefully. Make sure you know and understand prevailing interest rates as well as the details of your specific loan because mortgage interest is the biggest cost you will face when purchasing investment property.

First, understand that homes and duplexes tend to have loan structures that are similar to any mortgage loan. With a larger property; however, such as a triplex; rates tend to be higher. If you are looking at commercial property with even more units; the matter of terms and rates is completely different. Typically, the more money you are able to put down on the purchase of the property, the less interest you will have to pay.

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Taxes are another issue. Many people use the taxes from the year in which the property was purchased and assume they can use these figures to estimate expenses. This is not always the cases because taxes do not remain the same; they typically change every year. Usually, taxes go up after a property is purchased.

This is especially true if the property was previously owner occupied. So, it is typically a good idea to just assume that the taxes will go up on the property after you purchase it.

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